Spirit Animal Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrysaetos)

Animal Facts:

Golden eagles are birds of prey that are found all over the northern hemisphere. They were named for the golden-brown feathers on their heads and necks, which stand out from their otherwise brown plumage.
Golden eagles live in diverse habitats, from grasslands over woodlands to mountain ranges, preferring to nest on cliffs or trees as building their nests high up helps to keep their eaglets safe. But sometimes, they also nest on the ground or in human-made structures such as windmills and towers.
The golden eagle pair collaborates: the male collects the nest material and the female builds the nest before lining it with greenery and aromatic leaves. These have a disinfectant property to help keep the nest clean, and they are also believed to keep insects away.
Golden eagles mate with the same partner for several years, if not for life. To raise their young, they reuse their nests of which they often have several, rotating between them and mending them regularly.
The female lays one to four eggs, and the pair takes it in turns to incubate them. Later, when the eaglets are born, the male golden eagle will hunt for food while the female guards the young.
The mother is unable to ward off one danger, though, because it comes from within the nest. If two or more eggs have hatched, the strongest eaglet will often attack and kill the weaker ones to ensure its own survival.
Once the surviving eaglet or eaglets have fledged and have learned all the skills they will need to survive on their own, the golden eagle pair will expel the young from their territory.
Like all eagles, the golden eagle has excellent hearing and eyesight. The latter especially during the day when they can utilise their great colour vision. Just like an owl, their eyes cannot move in their sockets, but they can turn their heads up to 270 degrees.
Golden eagles are so effective at hunting that they spend little time doing so. What they hunt depends on their habitat and can include small to medium-sized mammals, other birds, reptiles and fish. They have also been known to eat carrion at times, to supplement their diet, or when they can’t find enough prey.
Golden eagles are opportunistic hunters. When they spot possible prey, they swoop down at high speed and strike it with their talons before they tear into it with their sharp beak. Sometimes they also work in pairs, with one eagle driving the prey towards the waiting partner who then kills it. And golden eagles have even been seen snatching birds in mid-air.
The other time golden eagles exhibit aerial stunts is during courtship rituals. To impress their chosen one, the golden eagle will emit shrill, high-pitched calls and ‘sky-dive’, meaning it will repeatedly switch between steep dives and upwards swoops.
Golden eagles also engage in aerial play with objects like sticks, stones or dead prey. They carry these up into the sky, drop them, and then fly down to retrieve the object before it hits the ground.
Overall, the golden eagle is a majestic bird in flight and possesses astonishing agility and manoeuvrability for its size.
On top of that, the eagle can fly long distances without needing to stop, as soaring and gliding on thermals rising from the land takes up little energy.

Some spiritual meanings:

The eagle is a messenger of the element air, which represents the mind, intelligence, thoughts and ideas.
The golden eagle is also a messenger of the sun, which gives life and is a symbol of fire and passion.
So, use your passion and wit to create the life you want. You have the power to do so.

Golden eagles raise their young together.
Do you have people in your life you can depend on? And can others depend on you?
Do you receive help when you ask for it? Do you even ask for it?

Eagles have strong beaks that can cut and tear easily.
You could potentially hurt someone by cutting and tearing them with words.
Or are you too easily hurt by what other people say?

Eagles have excellent vision and hearing, even though their ears aren’t visible.
This translates to you being capable of hearing your inner voice.
Are you listening to it?
Also, can you see what’s ahead of you? Do you have a clear vision of your future?

Eagles create a natural balance by capturing weak prey or eating carrion.
If you have the eagle as your spirit animal, you might be a natural healer.
Do you need to heal yourself?
Or can you provide healing for others?

Eagles might spend a lot of time in the air, but they are still connected to the earth and its resources via the food they hunt.
Are you staying grounded enough in your life?
Or do you need to take wing?

The golden eagle relies mostly on surprise attacks.
Do you make the most of the chances you are given? And can you easily adapt?
Or do you need to be more flexible?
Use your intuition to sense the right time to make a move.

If you want to read up on more spirit animals or want to learn more about spiritual topics in general, pick up a copy of my book “Willow and Strix – A spiritual journey” ©, available as a paperback or ebook (free for kindle unlimited users) US UK DE and in other countries

Published by A. Wakan

Author of "Willow & Strix - A spiritual journey" (coming out soon)

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