Spirit Animal Capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris)

Animal Facts:

Capybaras, also called water hogs, are the world’s largest rodents. They are semiaquatic mammals, which means they live near bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, ponds, swamps and marshes. They’re great swimmers, aided by their partially webbed feet.
But they’re also at home on land, where they’re capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 km/h when running.
However, their favourite strategy to escape predators, such as anacondas, wild cats or eagles, is to dive into the water, where they can hold their breath for up to five minutes.
While they can be solitary, capybaras are most often found in groups of around 10 to 20 individuals. And during the dry seasons, when animals gather around available water sources, there can be as many as 50 or 100 individuals in one place.
A typical group includes one dominant male, several females, their offspring and a couple of subordinate males.
Capybaras mate in water. The dominant male of a group is protective of the females, but can’t always prevent some of the subordinate males from copulating with them.
Groups are stable, and capybaras work together to defend their territory. Meanwhile, females also raise their young together, and practise communal nursing.
Since they are social, capybaras are highly communicative. They make unique sounds that are used as contact calls, to warn of danger or to keep track of their young. The sounds include teeth chattering, barking, purring, squealing, whining, whistling, grunting and clicking.
Capybaras are herbivores – they eat grasses and aquatic plants as well as fruit, sugar cane and tree bark. They chew their food from side to side like a camel, rather than up and down as humans do. They’re also autocoprophagous, which means that they eat their faeces to help digest the cellulose from the grass and extract the maximum nutritional value from their food.
Just like other rodents, the front teeth of capybaras grow continually. Additionally, and in contrast to most other rodents, their molars also keep growing throughout their lives.
The seasons and the presence of predators affect whether capybaras are active during the day or night.
Usually, they spend the hottest portion of the day in water or mud, grazing at dawn and dusk.
Capybaras can also sleep in water because their eyes and nose are located towards the top of their heads, allowing them to see and breathe easily while the rest of their body is submerged.
Additionally, capybaras can press their ears against their heads to keep water out. And once they leave the water, their thin coat of coarse hair dries very quickly.
Capybaras have two types of scent gland: a so-called morrillo, which is located on the snout as well as anal glands, which they use both to mark their territory.
One curious fact is that capybaras are often seen carrying other animals on their backs, which is why they are often referred to as nature’s ottomans. They are very social and friendly, even with other species, and are frequently seen with many different bird species, monkeys, rabbits and a wide variety of other animals.
They also form symbiotic relationships with other species – for example, when a bird grooms a capybara to eat the insects living in its fur.

Some spiritual meanings:

Since it’s semiaquatic, the capybara brings you both the wisdom of the water, which stands for emotions and the subconscious, as well as the earth, which represents grounding, stability and support.
Is there something you need to bring forth from your subconscious? Can you submerge yourself in your emotions?
Or are you too emotional?
And do you maybe not feel supported in your life?
Find healthy ways to express and release your feelings while staying connected to your body.

The water holds both nourishing and protective aspects for the capybara.
Are you getting enough nutrients? Do you drink enough water?
Or do you need to change your diet?
And do you have a safe haven to go to when needed?
Retreat to the familiar if you feel threatened.

Capybaras live in social groups.
Are you social enough? Or do you feel overwhelmed at social gatherings? Do you maybe need more time for yourself?
Know when to take a step back and when to come forward and connect to others.

The capybara is known for being a very peaceful and calm animal.
Having the capybara as your spirit animal means that you thrive on harmony in your relationships.
Do you currently lack peace in your life?
Or are you too focused on harmony and don’t address a problem that needs to be dealt with?
How can you create more harmony without giving up your authenticity?
You might also be called to be a peacekeeper in this world.

The capybara is often seen with other animal species.
You have a great kinship with all beasts.
Are you called to work with animals and to preserve nature?
When the capybara arrives in your life, it might also be the right time to get a new pet or to try animal communication.

More to discover:

If you want to read up on more spirit animals or want to learn more about spiritual topics in general, pick up a copy of my two-book series “Willow and Strix” ©, available as paperback or ebook (free for kindle unlimited users) US UK DE and in other countries

Published by A. Wakan

Author of "Willow & Strix - A spiritual journey" (coming out soon)

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