Spirit Animal European Hedgehog (Erinaceus Europaeus)

Animal Facts:

The hedgehog was named for its foraging methods: they grunt like a warthog while rooting through hedges and other undergrowth in search of food, which includes insects, worms, centipedes, snails, mice and frogs. This diet is supplemented by fruits, grass, seeds, roots, eggs and mushrooms. And snakes! European hedgehogs have proteins in their blood that neutralise and provide some natural immunity against snake venom. This immunity isn’t 100 per cent safe, however, and if they are bitten by a more venomous snake, or if they are bitten several times, the hedgehog may still succumb to the toxins.
Because their eyesight is weak, hedgehogs rely on their senses of hearing and smell when hunting. They can see better in the dark, which is why they are nocturnal.
The European hedgehog is found in woodland, grassland, orchards and vineyards as well as near human settlements, hibernating in winter in colder climate zones.
The breeding season begins after hibernation for these solitary animals. Afterwards, the mother raises the litter, which can range from two to ten baby hedgehogs (called hoglets or piglets).
The newborns already have quills when they’re born, but those are soft and flexible at the time. On top of that, the quills are covered by fluid-filled skin to avoid hurting the mother.
Within a day, the hoglet’s skin then shrinks and about 150 white quills form into a protective layer of stiff, sharp spines.
These spines, of which an adult hedgehog has between 3,000 and 7,000, are modified hairs called quills. They’re made of keratin, the same material our hair and fingernails are made of.
Quills are undoubtedly the hedgehogs’ best defence against predators. When they are threatened, they curl into a tight ball and raise their quills to protect their soft belly. To do this, they use a highly developed circular muscle that runs along the side of the body and across the rump and neck. This forms a bag into which the hedgehog folds its body, head and legs. Only the strongest predators, such as the badger, can prise them open. That is why hedgehogs also sleep in this position.
The quills last about a year before they fall out, to be replaced by new ones.
A little-known fact is that hedgehogs practise self-anointing. That means they lick and chew toxins and other irritating substances, creating a frothy mixture that they rub onto their skin and spines. It isn’t yet known why hedgehogs do this exactly, but the most likely hypothesis is that they want to deter predators of which hedgehogs have many, ranging from birds, weasels and foxes to badgers. Male hedgehogs will sometimes prey upon the young of their own species, too. And hedgehog mothers have been known to eat their young if the nest is disturbed. Otherwise, they move their young to a new nest, with the hoglets making a twittering or whistling sound to alert the mother when they’re separated from her.
By contrast, adult hedgehogs mostly squeal and grunt to communicate.

Some spiritual meanings:

Just like the hedgehog, you are curious and might be quick to poke your nose into the world around you.
Is it time for more adventure in your life? Explore the possibilities that present themselves to you right now.

The hedgehog is one of the few animals in the world that can survive snake venom.
As such, you’re a very resilient person and not much can harm you.

As the hedgehog is nocturnal, it teaches you to embrace the unseen.
You have a great ability to dive into your subconscious and bring parts of it to the surface.

The hedgehog is prickly on the outside but soft on the inside.
Are you too sensitive or defensive and allow no one to touch you – physically as well as emotionally? Are you maybe afraid to risk your heart?

Just like the hedgehog, you might curl up and hide when things don’t go to plan.
Do you need to open up more?
The world needs your gifts, so don’t hide them away.

The hedgehog rolls into a spiky ball when threatened.
Have you found the means to protect yourself? What do you need in your life to feel safer?
Just like the hedgehog, you know how to defend yourself and set boundaries in a non-aggressive way.

The hedgehog has strong ties to the element of earth, as its belly is always close to the ground.
It is important for you to stay centered and spend time in nature.

If your spirit animal is the hedgehog, you may find that your senses of smell and hearing are heightened
You might also have a natural talent for clairalience and clairaudience.

More to discover:

If you want to read up on more spirit animals or want to learn more about spiritual topics in general, pick up a copy of my two-book series “Willow and Strix” ©, available as paperback or ebook (free for kindle unlimited users) US UK DE and in other countries

Published by A. Wakan

Author of "Willow & Strix - A spiritual journey" (coming out soon)

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