Spirit Animal Lion (Panthera Leo)

Animal Facts: Lions are known as the kings of the jungle, but that term is misleading since they live in open grasslands and savannahs.They’re the most social of all the wild species in the cat family, and live in groups called prides. The average pride consists of several adult females and their offspring of bothContinue reading “Spirit Animal Lion (Panthera Leo)”

Spirit Animal European Hamster (Cricetus Cricetus)

Animal Facts: There are about 20 different species of hamster and the European hamster is the largest of them all.Hamsters are solitary animals and very territorial, scent-marking their home and communicating with others through teeth-chattering.They only socialise during the breeding season. But even then, the female (called a sow) might attack the male (called aContinue reading “Spirit Animal European Hamster (Cricetus Cricetus)”

Spirit Animal Common Green Frog (Hylarana Erythraea)

Animal Facts: Frogs – like toads – are amphibians and therefore cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature changes with the temperature of their surroundings. Other than toads that live on land when not mating, frogs are always found near freshwater sources, though.The common green frog, also known as the green paddy frog, the AsianContinue reading “Spirit Animal Common Green Frog (Hylarana Erythraea)”

Spirit Animal Vicuña (Lama Vicugna)

Animal Facts: Vicuñas are native to the central Andes in South America and live at altitudes of 3,200–5,700 metres. The temperature there is relatively warm during the day, but at night it can drop to freezing. In that case, the vicuña’s thick, soft coat comes in handy because it traps layers of warm air closeContinue reading “Spirit Animal Vicuña (Lama Vicugna)”

Spirit Animal Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos)

Animal Facts: Brown bears mostly live in forests and mountains, preferring semi-open landscapes, but they also live on tundra and on prairies in North America, Europe and Asia.Despite their name, brown bears aren’t always brown. Depending on the subspecies, they can also be red, tan, cream, bicoloured or black.And the size of the brown bearContinue reading “Spirit Animal Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos)”

Spirit Animal Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus)

Animal Facts: The monarch butterfly is also called the milkweed butterfly, common tiger butterfly, wanderer butterfly and black-veined brown butterfly. Its wings feature a black, orange and white pattern while as a caterpillar it has yellow, white and black stripes.In both the caterpillar and butterfly forms, monarchs are aposematic, which means that they ward offContinue reading “Spirit Animal Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus)”

Spirit Animal Common Warthog (Phacochoerus Africanus)

Animal Facts: The warthog is named after the wart-like bumps on its head, which are a combination of bone and cartilage and which help to pad and protect its face and eyes in fights.Especially in the mating season, males, called boars, fight over their right to reproduce, which is why they have bigger and moreContinue reading “Spirit Animal Common Warthog (Phacochoerus Africanus)”

Spirit Animal Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis Adeliae)

Animal Facts: Only a minority of penguin species live in the Antarctic and the surrounding coastal islands. The small Adélie penguin is one of them.The most striking feature of the Adélie penguins is the white ring around their eyes, which develops when they become an adult. Aside from this, they share the familiar black-and-white tuxedo-likeContinue reading “Spirit Animal Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis Adeliae)”

Spirit Animal Brown-Throated Sloth (Bradypus Variegatus)

Animal Facts: The sloth is reputed to sleep all day long. But this is, in fact, not true. Wild sloths only sleep for about nine to ten hours a day, which isn’t all that much longer than humans. Sloths only seem lazy because, even awake, they don’t move a lot. And when they do, they’reContinue reading “Spirit Animal Brown-Throated Sloth (Bradypus Variegatus)”

Spirit Animal Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion Perideraion)

Animal Facts: The pink skunk clownfish is also known as the pink anemonefish, salmon clownfish, white-maned anemonefish and white-banded anemonefish. And, as its name suggests, it is a pink or peach colour with a white stripe along its dorsal ridge.The name ‘anemonefish’ originates from their symbiotic relationship with the sea anemone, which is a plant-likeContinue reading “Spirit Animal Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion Perideraion)”

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