Spirit Animal African Wild Ass (Equus Africanus)

Animal Facts: The African wild asses are the ancestors of all modern domesticated donkeys.They live in a flexible social system. Some wild asses are solitary, while others live, temporarily or permanently, in herds of up to fifty members that can be made up of females only, males only or both sexes. Generally, though, younger malesContinue reading “Spirit Animal African Wild Ass (Equus Africanus)”

Spirit Animal Asian Forest Tortoise (Manouria Emys)

Animal Facts: The Asian forest tortoise is the largest tortoise in Asia, with males weighing up to 37 kilograms.They can live more than a hundred years, thanks to their slow metabolism and they are believed to be one of the most primitive of all living tortoises, not having changed much over the past 55 millionContinue reading “Spirit Animal Asian Forest Tortoise (Manouria Emys)”

Spirit Animal Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)

Animal Facts: A lot of birds stay together to raise their young for a season, then move on to a new partner. Some species even mate with more than one bird during a breeding season.But most swan species, such as the mute swan, mate for life once their courtship ritual ends.There are only a fewContinue reading “Spirit Animal Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)”

Spirit Animal Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus)

Animal Facts: Even though they spend their whole lives in water, the bottlenose dolphin is, like all dolphins, not a fish but a mammal. As such, dolphins have lungs instead of gills, and they need to surface regularly to breathe.Naturally, as mammals, they’re also endothermic, which means warm-blooded, as well as viviparous, which means theyContinue reading “Spirit Animal Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus)”

Spirit Animal Mediterranean Chameleon (Chamaeleo Chamaeleon)

Animal Facts: Chameleons are known best for their ability to change their skin colour.The Mediterranean chameleon can show colours from bright green to dark brown and grey or tan, with various patterns. In addition, it generally has two lighter stripes along each side of its body, which can be continuous or broken into a seriesContinue reading “Spirit Animal Mediterranean Chameleon (Chamaeleo Chamaeleon)”

Spirit Animal Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus Giganteus)

Animal Facts: The Eastern grey kangaroo is endemic to Australia and belongs to the group of marsupials.Kangaroos are the largest mammals that hop when moving around. This is an energy-saving form of travelling, well-suited for covering great distances in little time. Hopping actually requires less energy the faster a kangaroo moves, enabling it to pickContinue reading “Spirit Animal Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus Giganteus)”

Spirit Animal Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus Mimicus)

Animal Facts: Like other octopuses, the mimic octopus has three hearts that pump blood through its body. This blood is not the usual iron-based red tone of many species but blue, thanks to a copper-rich protein that helps the octopus’ body transport oxygen more efficiently.On the downside, this causes the octopus to be very sensitiveContinue reading “Spirit Animal Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus Mimicus)”

Spirit Animal Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Animal Facts: The grey wolf is a social animal that lives in a pack, which is led by an alpha pair and can have between 3 and up to 40 members, including the offspring from previous years.The pack members live in a hierarchy and each wolf fulfils a specific role inside the group for whichContinue reading “Spirit Animal Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus)”

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